The Ultimate Guide to Self Erect Tower Crane Hire

Self Erect Tower Crane Hire

As an experienced crane hire specialist in Lancashire, I often get asked about the benefits of using self erect tower cranes on construction projects. These cranes are an excellent choice for large-scale building sites and smaller jobs in urban areas. In this post, I’ll overview what self erect cranes are and why they may be the right crane hire option for your upcoming project.

What Are Self Erect Tower Cranes?

Self erecting tower cranes are distinguished by their ability to be assembled on-site using the crane’s mechanism without needing additional equipment, making them highly versatile for projects where it’s challenging to bring large cranes for assembly.

These cranes come in different lifting capacities and heights, with smaller cranes able to be operated with as little as a 13×13 meter operating radius. Larger self erect tower cranes can lift well over 10 tons and reach over 250 feet.

Key Benefits of Self Erect Cranes

There are many reasons why self erect tower cranes are an excellent choice for a wide range of construction projects:

Flexible Setup and Transportation

The most significant advantage of self erect cranes is their ease of setup. Since no assist crane is needed, these units can be situated even in cramped spaces. They are also transported fully assembled, reducing time spent on crane assembly.

Operation in Tight Spaces

For building sites in urban areas or other tight spaces, the small operating footprint of self erect cranes makes them ideal, while having the ability to reach great heights while occupying minimal ground space is a massive plus for downtown construction projects.


Erecting a large tower crane can be very expensive, requiring hiring a costly assist crane. Self erect cranes are much more affordable, saving significantly on setup costs. Their flexible applications also allow them to be utilized efficiently on many job sites over their lifetime.

Safety Features for Urban Jobsites

Since self erect cranes can be situated precisely where needed, they avoid the need for long signalling distances and swinging loads, which reduces hazards on congested building sites. Their state-of-the-art safety features also minimize risks to workers and the public.

Ideal Applications for Self Erect Cranes

Some examples of building projects where self erect tower cranes excel include:

  • High-rise buildings in downtown areas
  • Large commercial construction sites near power lines or other hazards
  • Building sites with limited access to assist cranes
  • Stadiums, theatres, and other complex building projects
  • Construction sites near active roadways or pedestrian paths

Working With an Experienced Crane Hire Company

While self erect cranes are designed for quick, simple setup, your crane hire provider must have the expertise to advise on the ideal crane and configuration for your specific project’s parameters and safety needs. The team here at Guy Crane Hire has decades of experience undertaking complex crane lifts across Lancashire and throughout the UK.

From a small residential building to significant high-rise development, our team ensures your project is equipped with the perfect self erected tower crane suited to your unique specifications. We provide responsive service, expert operators, and continuous oversight to keep your lift going smoothly from start to finish.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss the self erect cranes in our fleet and how we can provide a safe, efficient solution tailored for your next construction project.